The Best Things to do at Rotterdam Zoo in Netherlands

The Best Things to do at Rotterdam Zoo in Netherlands

At the Rotterdam Zoo in the Netherlands, where amazing insights into the wonders of the animal realm may be found around every corner, be ready for an exciting experience. Start your adventure staring in wonder at the beautiful giraffes as they walk over the savannah or take in the bright colours of the tropical bird sanctuary. Explore lush rainforests of Amazon exhibit to get taste of the unusual. You’ll find interesting species hiding among lush greenery. Visit Oceanium to have an up-close and intimate experience with marine life. Playful penguins and beautiful sharks glide through watery realms. Rotterdam Zoo delivers amazing experience for nature lovers of all ages with wide variety of habitats and interesting exhibitions.

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Here are the Best Things to do at Rotterdam Zoo in Netherlands:


1. Embark on a Safari Adventure:


Embark on a Safari Adventure

The African Savanna exhibit at the Rotterdam Zoo provides a completely thorough safari experience. In addition to lions and giraffes, other famous African animals that may be seen here include zebras and rhinoceros. The wide grasslands of Africa are recreated in the exhibit, giving the animals plenty of room to move about and interact in an authentic environment. Guests frequently get to see these amazing animals grazing, mingling, or sleeping in the African sun.

2. Discover the Amazon Rainforest:


Discover the Amazon Rainforest - Rotterdam Zoo

Enter the Amazon exhibit to be taken to the centre of the biggest tropical rainforest on Earth. Visitors may get up close and personal with a diverse range of Amazonian animals through this immersive experience, including beautiful birds, entertaining primates, and unusual reptiles. Trails pass by peaceful streams, beautiful waterfalls, and lush flora, providing views of both above- and below-ground wildlife.

3. Explore the Ocean Depths at Oceanium:


Explore the Ocean Depths at Oceanium

A huge aquatic complex called Oceanium transports visitors to every ocean on Earth, from the frigid seas of the Antarctic to the tropical coral reefs. Enjoy the amazing array of aquatic creatures found here, such as sharks, sea turtles, jellyfish, and other fish species. Insight into the importance of ocean conservation and the delicate balance of marine ecosystems is provided by interactive exhibits and educational displays.

4. Encounter Exotic Wildlife in Blijdorp:


Encounter Exotic Wildlife in Blijdorp - Rotterdam Zoo

The unique selection of animals from all over the world can be found at the Blijdorp Zoo. Visitors can explore environments that vary from the Arctic tundra to the Australian outback, in addition to exhibits on the African savanna and the Amazon rainforest. Highlights include the recently refurbished Elephant Trail, which offers a multimedia adventure showing the issue of put at risk Asian elephants, the Oceanium, and the Butterfly Garden.

5. Marvel at Avian Wonders:


Marvel at Avian Wonders

The Rotterdam Zoo is home to an amazing variety of bird species, many of which are displayed in beautifully designed bird houses. There are plenty of feathered creatures to enjoy, which include colourful parrots and toucans to beautiful birds of prey. Additionally, visitors may discover the essential function that birds play in ecosystems around the globe and the steps being taken to shield species in danger from dangers like habitat loss.

6. Unwind in Botanical Gardens:


Unwind in Botanical Gardens - Rotterdam Zoo

Spend some time relaxing and relaxing in the peaceful botanical gardens of Rotterdam Zoo after a day of exploration. A remarkable variety of plant species from all over the world, including tall trees, common flowers, and lush greens, may be found here. Walking paths meander by calm ponds, attractive views, and serene resting spots, offering the perfect environment for re-establishing a connection with the natural world and appreciating the wonders of the animal kingdom.



As the journey of the Rotterdam Zoo approaches to an end, pause to consider the amazing variety of life that exists all around you. Every experience, no matter if it involves tiny butterflies or towering elephants, provides an insight into the complexity and beauty of the natural world. Rotterdam Zoo’s dedication to conservation and education motivates visitors to value and save the amazing animals that inhabit our earth in addition to providing entertainment. As you wave farewell to this wildlife haven in the middle of the Netherlands, take with you the memories of your experiences and the understanding that each visit contributes to the important task of protecting wildlife.