11 Interesting facts you did not know about Ukraine


Ukraine which is the heart of Eastern Europe it is Hidden away between Europe and Russia, this historically vibrant and varied nation offers a lot more that exactly what first meets its visitor. Join us as we explore 11 fascinating facts about Ukraine, whether you’re a lover of travel or just searching for your next dream location. These facts are sure to grab your interest and maybe even convince you to try Tour Packages for Ukraine, for your next vacation. Ukraine is a richest country just waiting to be discovered, with beautiful scenery and historical wonders. Put on your seatbelts and start the ride instantly.

Some of the 11 Interesting facts  you did not know about Ukraine are as follows


Diverse Landscapes:



Indeed, Ukraine is a country with many contrasts within it. Moving from the Carpathian Mountains at the western part to the beautiful sea resorts by the Black Sea, one can see different nature sites of Georgia. The popular tour packages in Ukraine visit the breath taking Carpathian National Nature Park and also the lively sea town of Odessa.

City of Golden Domes:



It has been nicknamed “City of Golden Domes” and there are numerous golden domed churches, including St. Sophia’s Cathedral which is one of the UNESCO world heritage sites. Try out specially crafted Ukraine tour packages for india at Kiev’s historic and architectural sites.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone:



These include the unusual tours to Ukraine’s famous Chernobyl exclusion zone for individuals who enjoy unusual experiences. The site offers a rare but thrilling experience of what happened there in the past, as well as a glimpse into current restoration measures.

Linguistic Diversity:



Linguistic variety in Ukraine. The country’s official language is Ukrainian but there are pockets of Russian, Romanian, Hungarian and other local languages. Walk through the enchanting villages and big cities with the embraced linguistic diversity.

The Tunnel of Love:


The Tunnel of Love

Located just outside Klevan on the edge of dense woods known as Tiszasziget is the “Tunnel of Love” formed by trees growing across a railroad track. It is an enchanted place, that all couples and nature lovers have to visit.

World’s Largest Plane:


Worlds Largest Plane

The world’s largest cargo plane, Antonov An-225 Mriya, was designed and manufactured in Ukraine. The gigantic aircraft is available for viewing at the Antonov Airport, which is popular among aviation enthusiasts. In some cases there is even a chance to get into aircraft wonders as part of Ukraine tourist packages.

Culinary Delights:


Culinary Delights

The best kept secret of Ukrainian Cuisine. Enjoy some traditional dishes such as borscht, pierogi, and holubtsi  Ukraine loves its heavy and tasty food. A food tour is another great supplement to any Ukraine travel deal.

Lavra Caves Monastery:


Lavra Caves Monastery

The Lavra Caves Monastery, the famous architectural wonder located in Kiev, Ukraine, became the second Ukrainian site on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. its beautiful caves are quite wide and large. Discover what makes this spiritual haven be religious and historical.

Lake Synevyr:


Lake Synevyr

From a nature lover’s point of view, Lake Synevyr is the largest lake found in the Carpathians. This pristine lake lies surrounded with green forest and it is an ideal place for quietness seekers.

Lviv’s Coffee Culture:


Lvivs Coffee Culture

Lviv, which is frequently called Ukraine’s capital of coffee, has a diverse coffee culture that owes its origin to Austria-Poland. Take leisure by walking among the lovely streets and drinking a coffee made in one of the cute cafes.

Pysanka Museum:


Lvivs Coffee Culture

Have a feel of madness in the Worldwide Pysanka museum at Kolomyia. The Art of Pysanky Museum which is dedicated to the art of decorated Easter eggs is represented here with intricate and unique patterns that are inherited over generation.

Ukraine is becoming a destination unmatched, with a plethora of experiences luring visitors to discover its varied landscapes, delve into its extensive history, and enjoy the cosiness of its culture. Every aspect, from Kiev’s golden-domed skyline to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone’s haunting charm, tells a different tale. To fully experience this Eastern European treasure, where stunning scenery, delicious food, and historical wonders meet, take a look at Ukraine tour packages from India. Let Ukraine be the backdrop for your next journey while you plan it, exploring its mysteries and immersing yourself in the very spirit of a nation that enthrals at all times.